My Story

How long have you been doing what you do and how did I get to be a Health Coach?

To answer this question, I must admit to some vulnerable stuff, I look and feel better than ever now at
age 53 but it was not always like this. Now I feel strong enough to even apply for the army with my
renewed mind body and spirit. Looking back, I struggled with weight after I got married. Routine drive
through Tim Horton for “double double” and bagel and eating in a rush with unhealthy food and portion
was a norm. Because of my good genes and some exercise, I was unlucky to not fall into the obesity
epidemic. Working in the health industry with busy schedule and long hours did not help me to be
healthier. Looking back, I struggled who I am when I am eating, work-life balance and chronic stress
from family and work. When things did not go well with my marriage, on top of my depression, my
weight was up to 185-190. I did not understand self-care or know how to manage my emotion. I let
stress took over and was not mindful of many important things slipping through my fingers. Having
volunteer as health promotion chair for the heart and stroke foundation(Chinese Canadian Council) and
working as a smoking cessation counsellor, I did not have the insight and skill to understand the mind
body connection. Not until I did my coaching certificate after a career challenge, I have renewed my
commitment optimal transformation in mind body and spirit. I have reignited my passion in coaching my
client to be the best version of themselves through habit change, mindset and transformation. Few
years into my coaching, I am deeply fulfilled with my own transformational discovery and many journeys
with my coaching clients. I have found my calling and love for you to clarify your value and find joy and
balance for the rest of your life by turning your fear into truth

What kind of clients do you work with ?

I work with Business and Community leaders who struggle with stress, energy level and healthy lifestyles
with their chronic illnesses( overweight, diabetes, hypertension). They are ready to invest in themselves
to get to the roots to end struggles from just using medications and unhealthy ways to manages their
illnesses. I also clarity their values and help them to rediscover joy and balance in rebuilding healthy
mind and body while pursuing their life goals. My side passion is to coach in both Mandarin and
Cantonese to help more Chinese achieve optimal health.

How are you different from other Health Coaches?

Most health coaches give you a checklist of what to eat and what not to eat. For overworked leaders
with unhealthy lifestyle, it is just a bandage solution to a much deeper problem(stress and value).
But “eat this, not that” does not work because stress and energy level is different for everyone.
Persistent Habit change is directly related to how much pleasure we get from such new habit. Relying on
discipline and will power with unclear value and vision will only get you so far

So first and foremost, my coaching is personalized to tackle the unique challenge of my clients. No one
transformational course is the same. My coaching is about transforming belief and mindset so the
clients can be present with themselves and their lives in a whole new way. I follow that work with step
by step proven effective strategies around healthy way to approach eating, exercise and lifestyle.
Something else that makes me different from other health coaches is that I only work with business and
community leaders who struggles with their health issues. I refer clients who have other needs to other coaches

What that means for you is I am very focused on anything and everything that works for the leaders who struggle with no using healthy lifestyles to manage their chronic illnesses

Because my focus is very narrow and I have personal experience overcoming these challenges, what you get with me is a deep level of expertise on what works to recover from disordered eating. I’ve become
an expert at this topic and that is why my clients get great results that they are thrilled with and we have
a lot of fun along the way!

What type of personality do your work best with and what is expected of me?

My Total Mind and Body Transformation programs were created for business and community leaders
who are ready and fully committed in exploring their true values and in investing time and effort to
uncover what is holding them back to the highest version of themselves. They are willing to dig deeper
to transform fear into their truth in both their life and health goals
Consider what you will do with me to be a transformational experience where you are consistently
taking action. No more worrying that you will never find something that works for you; you will open up
to a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goals:
1.Managing the stress and demands from home/work/community with healthier mindset and more
2.Facing challenges with renew resilience.

Who does this program NOT work for?

I only have openings for 2-3 new client per month in my schedule, so please know I am very selective
about who I work with, choosing to (gently) turn away people who are not suited for my program and
wont get results they would have invested in(it would not be fair to them)
The Total Mind and Body Transformational system is NOT for those who are not ready to commit
financially to their transformation and It is NOT for those who want a list of “eat this not that” “do this
not that” (because if that worked for my type of client, it would have worked already)
Another kind of person I wont work with (without exception) is the whiner or chronic skeptic as well as
individuals who consistently don’t show up to sessions or make excuses in order to keep putting
themselves and their health last on the list of priorities

Other people whom I have challenge working with are the one who is not willing to see a doctor or the
ones that had not been cleared from medical professional from psychiatric illness such as Major
Depression and Anxiety Disorders

If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not schedule an initial conversation
with me and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together, and I wouldn’t
want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?

What exactly is your system and what does it include?

The Total Mind Body Transformation system is a holistic journey that involves mind, body and soul
We’re going to cover all things food and body using the “6W Questions” - remember those from 6th
grade when you learned about journalism?
The “6W Questions” are:
• What
• When
• How
• Where
• Why
• Who

The “6W Questions” constitute a simple formula for getting the complete story on any subject.
When I’m working with you as my client, we are definitely looking for the COMPLETE story around your
value system, stress, food and body.

That’s why, in Total Body Transformation, I’ll walk you step-by-step through…
• What to eat
• When to eat
• How to eat
• Where to eat

And most importantly…
• Why you eat
• Who you are being when you eat

Chances are good that other “diets” haven’t worked in that past because they didn’t have the steps that
addressed every part of you - mind, body and soul.
Total Mind and Body Transformation solves that problem.
In addition to these steps, you will learn tons of tips, tricks and strategies to manage your health and
your life more easily and to make your health and your life work for YOU (instead of the other way

Does this really work?

Yes! The result of our work is a way to deal with stress and articulate value, enhance food and body that
has you feeling peaceful, powerful and on purpose, maybe for the first time in your life.
Be sure to read the Success Stories document attached in your “Prepping For Your Session” email to
read the stories of Leaders just like you who have gotten this kind of result.

What results can I expect?

You can expect to:
• Create a vision for what your Total Mind Body Transformation looks like
• Anchor into your Big Why (this is the real reason why making this change matters!)
• Clear clutter (emotional and physical) from your life so you can make space for the new you

Get specifics on how to approach food by:
• Discovering a template for what to eat at each meal

• Upgrading the quality of food you eat
• Incorporating hydration (the right way)
• Phasing in foods that give you energy
• Phasing out foods that take energy away
• Learning how often to eat each day
• Discovering how and when to use fasting
• Uncovering your secret weapon around food, which is HOW you’re eating

Optimize your lifestyle and manage stress by:
• Discovering all the nutrients that don’t go on your plate, but feed your body and your soul, like:
• Sleep & Movement
• Love & Sex
• Fun & Play
• Being honest about what’s working and what’s not working in your career, relationships, family
life, spiritual connection and more (where do you say “yes” when you really mean “no”?
• Learning how to receive help and support (you’re always giving, but who’s giving back to you?)
• Put yourself and your health first (this is YOUR time - no more putting yourself last on the
priority list)

How quickly can I expect results?

Your transformation begins the second you say “YES” and continues every day throughout your 90-day
experience and beyond.

How can I guarantee myself that I will get better mental and physical health, more balance and moreenergy ?

If you’ve tried things and failed in the past, chances are good that you didn’t have the right support, the
right system or the right accountability

In Total Mind and Body Transformation, you’ll get all of these.
Part of the reason for the significant investment in this experience is to ensure that you show up for
yourself like never before.

Will I recover the investment I put into this coaching program?

If you add up everything you’ve spent over the years on diets and exercise and all the ways you’ve tried
to lose weight, how much would that be?
If things don’t change, how much would you spend in the coming years searching for a solution? For
most of my clients, the answer to both questions is A LOT.
I want you to stop reading for just one moment to ask yourself, “What is the value to me in managing
stress and articulating value, upleveling food and body?”
The information and skills you learn - and the personal transformation you make - with The Total Body
Transformation will be with you forever, transforming your health and your life in so many ways.

Coach Howard, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want tolearn from. How do I get started?

Congratulations on deciding for a totally new experience of food and your body! I’m honored and
excited to be your guide on this journey!

Here’s how we get started:
• During our initial conversation, you can officially enroll in the Total Mind and Body
• I’ll walk you through how to make the investment (I accept different payment options so
processing the investment will be easy)